Monday, June 18, 2012

COLLECTION #254: South Pasadena Junior High School History

South Pasadena Junior High School, photo taken in the early 1960s.

I just spent the weekend working and attending a huge all-class reunion in my hometown of South Pasadena, CA. I am on the board of directors of the alumni association for our high school (I'm historian), plus I did all the graphic design for the event: posters, signs, program, pins, etc. AND I was in charge of an art show, and community historical display. Whew! I'm exhausted! You'll have to forgive me for not posting my usual weekend feature. I just didn't have the energy!

As an amateur historian, I'm particularly interested in the colorful history of my hometown, and of a wonderful school I attended as an adolescent: South Pasadena Junior High School (Now South Pasadena Middle School). Separate from my responsibilities as SPHSAA Historian, I have been writing a book about the junior high, and I have temporarily acquired their historical archives. I have scanned dozens of photos, and pored through countless volumes of school newspapers dating from 1928, school historical information, documents, letters, brochures, books, yearbooks, etc. etc.

So, now that much of these amazing things sit on my computer, I feel free to consider them part of my collections. I will share some of these photos with you today, hoping you will find them as fascinating as I do!

SPJHS first faculty 1928-29

School Carnival 1930
Art Class 1931

Student Council 1931

Journalism Class 1931

Famed muralist Millard Sheets came to SPJHS to paint a series of mural frescoes.

Patio with finished frescoes. 1934
Girl's Service Organization early 1940s.

Boys Club late '40s or early '50s.

Social Studies class holds mock election 1956. Note the candidates: Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson.

English class mid '50s.

Cooking class, 1957. The cute girl on the left is my older sister Leslie.

Student Court 1965. I'm on the front row, second from left.