Tuesday, July 19, 2011

COLLECTION #13: Toy Kaleidoscopes

One of the first toys I remember was my Steven Kaleidoscope. I even remember going to Woolworth's in Glendale with my Mom, where we bought it. I must have been about four. I still have that kaleidoscope.
There it is, the red one on the left.

It was one of those toys that fascinated for hours. Lying on my bed, holding it up to the window light, and turn turn turning the tube, while patterns dropped and changed and morphed into other patterns. The beautiful colors and patterns imbedded themselves into my memory, and I suppose that's why today I still love color, pattern, and symmetry.

Most of the kaleidoscopes I have in my collection are from the Steven Company. They made countless inexpensive versions through the years, with the graphics changing to go along with the current trends. Some are fancy. Some are simple. Most can't even be viewed anymore as the frosted plastic grew more opaque with age. But aren't they cool?


  1. there is just something so appealing to me about collections. probably why I have so much stuff, ha ha. I love the documenting of your collections.

  2. This is the coolest collection ever! I remember several of those..... I spent hours on mine. My sister & I shared them together. Sometimes we fought over it. I am in Lufkin Tx & you are not far soul sister. If I was a thief I would be halfway there....watch out neighbor! Very cool indeed....
