Friday, July 29, 2011

COLLECTION #21: Beatrix Potter

I've always loved Beatrix Potter.... some of my earliest memories were of hearing The Tales of Peter Rabbit... just hearing the names Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail take me back to a more innocent time.

I have a few Beatrix Potter books and items... I have two small rectangular tins that I've had for years, but when I went to photography my collection, I couldn't find them anywhere. I guess that's part of the joy of collecting: keeping track of your collections!

I bought the lovely book about Beatrix Potter's life and art back in the late '70s. It's a very important part of my library.

I bought the French edition of Jeremy Fisher in 1965 when I was studying French in junior high. My mom brought the German version of Samuel Whiskers when she was in Europe in the  early '80s, probably the same trip she bought me the Dutch clock.

 The best part of Beatrix Potter's work is her enchanting illustrations. She meticulously studied nature her entire life, sketching from real life the flora and fauna of her English farm and home.


  1. It would take a month of Sundays to see everything at your place. What delightful little collectins you have, Stef!

  2. And she knew that rabbits love radishes - which our rabbit certainly does!
