Wednesday, July 6, 2011

COLLECTION #4: Green Depression Glass

There are a lot of way to accumulate a collection: one of which is to simply inherit it. That's the way I acquired these few lovely pieces of Depression Glass. The cute reamer belonged to my Grandmother, and when we got married & moved into what had been my Grandparents little cottage in Hollywood, I got most of the stuff that was left behind- that no one wanted.
The other pieces were found in my Mother-in-law's home when she passed away. I believe they belonged to her mother. I love the sweet little dessert cups with their curvy sides.


  1. Pretty! I like this green. I have an entire set of a brown/yellowish depression glass that I inherited from my grandmother-in-law. Someday I plan to use it for a family holiday dinner, but so far we always travel to other family for the holidays!

    I'm not sure if you've said this yet or not - do you have all of this stuff on display in your home or is it stored?

  2. It depends on the collection. I have much of it on display... I have two long shelves below the ceiling (inspired by Chili's Restaurants many years ago) in our family room where I keep many of my toys and games. I have a huge Ikea display cabinet with many more toys. Very tastefully arranged! I have 6 tall bookshelves on my stair landing where I keep my vintage school & children's books. Other collections are packed away, or tucked into miscellaneous shelves or cabinets. Honestly, it doesn't look messy... most of the time!

  3. I LOVE this collection and they look fabulous in your kitchen.
    I didn't know what depression glass was, very cool, and even cooler that they came from the family. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see more collections!

  4. I remember loving red or deep blue glass years and years ago, then more subtle mauve's and softer colors, but never green. Now I find I lean toward green and yellow. This is a lovely collection.
    I'm glad Tiff asked you about your displays - I was wondering too.
