Saturday, July 9, 2011


Most toy designers I know collect toys. We're surrounded by toys every day, and many of us take our passion for playthings to the next level- collecting things that we think are cute or fun or fascinating, and arranging them artfully in our offices, or at home. I became a toy collector when I worked at Hasbro in the late '80s, and I've acquired a decent size collection of a variety of toys. However, toy designer and developer Mel Birnkrant's comic character & Disney collections make my paltry attempts look like child's play! In my case, I didn't have a lot of money, so I collected the kind of toys I could afford. In Mel's case, he worked to collect. He had a passion for early Disney toys and comic character toys, and searched out rare examples of these fine playthings, and worked until he could buy them.
His collections are awe-inspiring, his house looks like a museum (which I'd love to visit someday, hint hint) and he's the nicest guy ever. Here's a link to his website. I found his site a couple of years ago when I was researching Baby Face dolls, one of my favorite lines of dolls which he designed over 20 years ago... it took me months to read through every corner of his website and all the links to his creative projects. I hope you enjoy seeing Mel's fantastic collections, and that you find your way back to my humble blog when you're finished... if you ever finish!

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