Monday, August 29, 2011

COLLECTION #42: Little Golden Books

 I love Little Golden Books! The ultimate Baby Boomers' memory-inducer, Little Golden Books were within everyone's financial reach. Inexpensive and sweet, these little books loomed large in my childhood memories, and maybe in yours too.  I have a modest collection of Little Golden Books. None are my own actual childhood books,  but several of these were ones I owned: I learned to tell time with How To Tell Time, and I followed the adventures of Nurse Nancy & Doctor Dan as they taught us the rudiments of first aid, with 'real Band-aid brand bandages' inside'! (The Doctor Dan book shown below, is a reproduction/ reprint)

My favorite Little Golden Books illustrator was Eloise Wilkins, and seeing her beautiful work never ceases to bring a little tear to my eye. I loved my copy of  My Teddy Bear, even though I have not managed to acquire it for my collection today. You can see her work in Prayers for Children (above), and Busy Timmy (below), Another favorite illustrator was Garth Williams, who also illustrated some of my other children's favorites: Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, and the Little House books.
Corinne Malvern illustrated many of my other favorites, like Nurse Nancy, Heidi,
and Frosty the Snowman.

 I have a few Little Golden Books from the 40s, and although they aren't the ones that I owned as a child, I absolutely adore the colorful illustrations and fun stories. It's so fun to see a little slice of life and culture from the post-war years.

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