Saturday, August 13, 2011

THE WEEKEND COLLECTOR: Collector With a Needle!

I'm pleased to link an interesting blog today.  Dawn Ronningen has a delightful blog about quilting. She collects vintage sewing paraphernalia, quilts, and makes her own lovely quilts using traditional quilt patterns. It's called Collector With a Needle. I hope you check it out!
Although I don't sew,  I'm totally in awe of Dawn's talents, both in quilting and in displaying, collecting, and documenting these wonderful quilts and sewing tools.

I've been lucky to know a few quilters in my life, and I admire all their hard work in creating beautiful, lasting works of art. There's such a rich tradition of quilting in America (and I'm sure in other countries too) that helps document our history and heritage. As a 'woman's art', quilting has been both a beautiful and practical way of socializing, creating, nurturing, and documenting families and culture. In my family, my Grandfather's niece Fauntie was our 'family quilter'.  I think every family should have someone who quilts!


  1. I love Dawns blog too, her collection of antique sewing tools and love of antique quilts always inspires me as well as the quilts she has made or is working on...

  2. Thanks for the link. As you know -anything fiber I'm attracted to.

  3. I love Dawn's blog!! I'm glad you wrote about her.

    Deb from
