Saturday, September 17, 2011


Collector, expert and author Jennifer June has a lovely website called, appropriately, Cowboy Boots. She's an expert on the fine art of bootmaking, styles, and history, particularly the past 70 years or so. Jennifer discovered the beauty of cowboy boots accidentally,  in the late '90s when she picked up a pair of boy's boots at a vintage clothing store, and fell in love. Her interest in the boots took her into the world of bootmaking, and she became interested in the history and artisans who made the boots, and in the designs and particulars of each style and function. She has written a book called: Cowboy Boots: The Art & Soul.  Her book explores the whole culture around the cowboy boot, as well as past and present trends, designs, and designers and bootmakers.

1 comment:

  1. Nice meeting you last night at Whimsy! Did you happen to notice the collection of cowboy boots we have at the shop : )
