Saturday, September 10, 2011


This weekend's collector blog is mother/ daughter craftswomen/ collectors Twyla (Mom) and Lindsay (daugher) of Two Crazy Crafters. These two talented ladies share a blog and a love of all things vintage. Daughter Lindsay loves collecting, and creating lovely cards, and digial layouts using vintage finds and retro scrapbook graphics and embellishments.  Mom Twyla is a master of the thrift store and flea market, and she is also a painter and crochet-er. Both take turns blogging, shopping, sharing, and creating.

Vintage inspired cigar box decorated by Lindsay
Lovely crochet work by Twyla
I thought you would enjoy seeing just a few photos I found on their blog. I hope you stop by and read more about these talented ladies. Maybe you can even find some photos of the creative studio they have decorated, and where they work together.


  1. Thank you so much for such a nice feature on our blog! We are coming up on our 4th year of blogging and this is the first time anyone has done this! We appreciate all the lovely things you said about us and our blog. Have a most wonderful weekend! Twyla and Lindsey

  2. Checking out what you posted about the girls. I have followed their blog for a long time now and love all they do.
