Wednesday, October 5, 2011

COLLECTION #69: Old Matchbooks


Somewhere in a drawer or box is the rest of my collection! But these are a few of my old matchbooks, most from my parents home, where my Mom kept a glass jar next to the fireplace filled with matchbooks from various places they'd visited.

I love the two I have from the famous Brown Derby Restaurant in Los Angeles... my first big job after college was at a large LA advertising agency (Grey Advertising) and our offices were right across the street from the old Brown Derby, which was actually shaped like a derby hat. (It has since been demolished).

A couple of years ago, I created a layout about some of my match collection, here it is!

1 comment:

  1. I used to collect these too. Not sure what ever happened to them but it would be fun to see them and the places I've been to and have forgotten.
