Thursday, October 13, 2011

COLLECTION #75: View-Master

Here's my View-Master Model C (1946-1955) viewer and a bunch of fun View-Master reels. I have everything from boring travel, (Shenandoah National Park, the Adirondacks) to my favorite TV shows- (Rin Tin Tin, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) to fabulous animations & models of cartoons and Disney movies- (the Flintstones, Robin Hood, Bugs Bunny, Sleeping Beauty, and coolest of all: Disneyland!)

I wish I could photograph the actual images, they are so much fun to look at!  You might enjoy this little blog entry about some fascinating photos and facts about the View-Master images.


  1. One day we'll be able to scan them all and put them onto a 3D TV and that will be AMAZING! I have some distant uncles that took 3D photos back in the 60s - there are even some of me!

  2. This is a great collection of View-Master stereoscopes and reels! I bet these are precious to you. My dad actually has a lot of View-Master stuff, and I want to put and view all the photos in a 3D TV too. Those are photos of our family, and that’s why I want them to last and be kept forever.
