Monday, October 17, 2011

COLLECTION #77: Vintage Souvenir Plates

Ah, another category I'm not sure exactly what to call.... these are those lovely souvenir plates from various states, points of interest, etc. Actually I have several more, but they must be packed away somewhere. (sigh) So, I'll have to go with what I have!  All of my plates are old except for one. The white and blue Nauvoo plate on the left side is a reproduction. The original is from the mid-1800s, and if I had the real thing, I could retire!  I love my Utah plate... it is actually quite old, I think it's from the 30s. It was made in England by Staffordshire. The other 3- Mohawk Trail, Texas and Oregon, are probably from the 40s or 50s. I haven't exactly made the effort to study these plates and their history! They are from Vernon Kilns, who manufactured many of these souvenir plates. If I find out any additional information, I'll be sure to update this post! So, I hope you enjoy looking at my fun plates!

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