Saturday, October 22, 2011

THE WEEKEND COLLECTOR: Tracy's Toys (and Some Other Stuff)

 I discovered Tracy's Toys through Brian Carlisle of PaperSponge and Gadget Sponge, and her blog is so much fun! She's a woman after my own heart- finding and collecting random toys and other things that strike her fancy! She even went to England on an antique Teddy Bear hunt a few months ago! How awesome is that?

Tracy is a children's librarian, which seems to suit her perfectly. She enjoys collecting and organizing old things, and it's fun to see how she displays her finds. She also loves handmade dolls and teddies from contemporary artists,  and collects them as well.  You'll have to stop by her blog and check out her latest finds!

1 comment:

  1. Tracy has got an awesome blog. So many cool and unusual toys that I didn't know existed.
