Tuesday, December 6, 2011

COLLECTION #113: Old Toy Mixers

Welcome to Toy Tuesday! I love my little vintage toy mixers... the ultimate in role-play for girls! It was a lucky Mommy who had a Mix-Master, and a lucky little girl who had one just like Mommy! These are all made of tin, or tin and plastic combination. The pink Combi-O Mixer, and black white and red Ideal mixer were both battery operated, and the cute Delta Detroit mixer was hand cranked.

I love the clever designs of these mixers- the white Ideal mixer also included a little juicer on top, that can be removed to make pretend orange juice, then stored back on top. This mixer is from the late '50s, early '60s.

The pink Combi-O Mixer  came with a blender on the front. I found a photo of one with its original box, so you can see what it  looked like when new. The bowl I have with mine is not original. This mixer was from the late 1950s.

The Delta Detroit mixer appears to be the oldest one in my collection, and probably dates to the late 40s or early 50s. It has the original metal bowl, but is quite rusty. But I don't care, I love it anyway!
The little hand egg beater or mixer was a staple in every little girl's pretend kitchen, even if she didn't have a 'mix-master'. I had one just like this, and it brings back a flood of memories of making real treats, as well as imaginary ones. I don't know the date of this one, because they were so common, and made for so many years. But it's a cute addition to all of my fun kitchen toys!


  1. Hi, I have a combi-o-mixer like the pink metal one in your photo. I can't get it to work. I used two fresh D batteries. I noticed there is a rotating metal arm latch under the mixer head, but I'm not sure in which direction it should be placed. Any advice at all on getting this to work would be much appreciated! Thank you, Andrea

  2. Sorry, Andrea- I haven't a clue! I've never gotten mine to work!
