Wednesday, December 14, 2011

COLLECTION #119: Vintage Christmas Photos

This collection should be titled: Vintage Christmas Photos of People I Don't Know. I have been picking up interesting photos for years now... and I love to find old Christmas snapshots. So fascinating to see celebrations long ago!
 These photos run the gamut from a turn-of-the-century German-American family celebrating with a table top tree and a beautiful Christmas doll, to a poor family with a weary-looking Mom and startled looking child... the house looks crowded, but the tree has been lovingly decorated. There are two photos of a little boy named Paul, taken in 1945 (thank heaven some people label their photos) and his Mom, and you can catch a glimpse of the stuffed animals, Tinkertoys, target practice toy, xylophone and coloring book Paul received. Then there's the sweet little girl with her pigtails, and plaid dress and socks, all dressed up to meet Santa. I also love the photo of "Ennis", taken in 1940, that shows all of his Christmas loot: a train set, two trucks, two airplanes, a rocket or space vehicle, Tinkertoys, and a large toy house. I'm not sure if that's a prop for the train, or if there's a sister in the family. (there are no other girl's toys in the photo). It's also fun to see the snow on the tree!  (Click on the photos for a closer look)

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