Wednesday, December 21, 2011

COLLECTION #124: Vintage Christmas Cards

Don't you just love these sweet little Christmas cards? Most of them are from the late1940s and early1950s. One of my friends 'lent' me her late in-laws' scrapbook, chock full of adorable greeting cards from the early part of their marriage in 1948. I've scanned quite a few of them, keeping the originals safe in the scrapbook. But I use them with my holiday decorations. I'm hoping the scrapbook will stay with me permanently. I decided to take a peek at it today, and realize there are still dozens of cards to scan! I'd better get busy!

I noticed that that there are a couple of prevalent theme in these 60 year old cards: lots of baby animals, old-fashioned (gay nineties) themes, and snowy landscapes. It's fun to see the differences in popular card designs from one generation to the next.

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