Our family never purchased these little houses, to my knowledge, but I vividly remember them from my friends' homes. They are so cute, and highly collectible today. Here are a few photos, and I hope you stop by his website and check out all of the fascinating collections, photos and information.
I have been a collector since I was a child.... mostly aimless & pointless collections. Nothing very valuable, not too trendy, and rarely in mint condition. Just a plethora of "stuff" that I've had fun adding to through the years. If I have at least 3, I consider it a collection. I'll be posting a different collection daily, Monday through Friday, and spotlighting some other marvelous collections I've discovered on the weekends. I hope you stop by often!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
THE WEEKEND COLLECTOR: Papa Ted and the Dimestore Christmas Village
Our family never purchased these little houses, to my knowledge, but I vividly remember them from my friends' homes. They are so cute, and highly collectible today. Here are a few photos, and I hope you stop by his website and check out all of the fascinating collections, photos and information.
I live in Provo and have an enormous collection of the vintage houses. I need to show them to you sometime!