Sunday, December 4, 2011


Where do I start with Clay Harrell's fascinating and fact-filled website, Vintage Guitars Info? Clay not only collects vintage quality guitars, but presents a wealth of information for collectors, players and afficianados. He specializes in CF Martin, Gibson, Fender, Rickenbacker, Dobro, National, Gretsch, and a few others. He documents the history of many many guitar models (as well as a few ukuleles, resonator guitars, lap steel guitars, and other models). 

Mr. Harrell has a great interview published in Collector's Weekly, and I'll link it here. You can get more information there than I could give you by cutting and pasting together his writings and information.

 If you enjoy learning about fine, old guitars, you'll enjoy his amazing website. I'll just leave you with a few photos of some interesting instruments and parts.

1956 Gibson Lap Steel Guitar
Vintage Dobro

Vintage Martin D-28

Interesting interior shot of a Martin guitar

Bridge from a 1885 Martin Guitar

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