Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year! And incidentally, this is the 6 month anniversary of my collector blog, and yesterday I received my 10,000 page view! I'm not sure how that compares with the average blog, but since my blog hasn't gone anywhere near viral, I'm pretty happy with it!

If you haven't heard of Charles Phoenix, you are in for a treat! Although he has moved waaaaaaay beyond simply being a collector of mostly California pop-culture to being a cultural icon himself,  I wanted to feature him because his website is just fun! The holidays are when he really shines! Charles has lots of fun features: festive (and totally wacky) food preparation videos, a weekly slide feature (he has lots of fabulous mid-century slides that he has acquired through the years), and links to info about his Southern California tours, slide shows, clips of his television appearances, and information about the books that he's written. I have a couple of his books myself, and they are chock full of awesome photos and information about popular culture of the 1950s- 1970s.

Charles is colorful in every way- always smiling, impeccably dressed, and very campy and entertaining.  You might even want to join him on Facebook, with all of his other Americana Geeks!

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