We had these wonderful Childcraft books in our home when I was a child. Our family's edition were either the 1949 or 1954 books, which look much like the earlier 1940s editions, but inside are much different. (The major revisions to the books seems to have occurred between the 1947 and 1949 editions). My brother (who is
a rat, a thief, a great guy), has our family books. I am left to scrounge around for individual volumes that I've picked up through the years at thrift stores and flea markets.
These "orange cover" books, seem to be the coveted editions, although my research hasn't led me to which of these copyright years is the most desirable. I suppose it is the ones you like the best! I have several of all of the editions, and two different editions of volume 6. The copyright dates of these 'orange' books are 1942, 1947, 1949, and 1954.
I LOVED these books as a child. I pored through each one until I'm sure the print was entirely rubbed off. (I slightly exaggerate), but the illustrations are burned into my memory in many happy ways. I have to laugh... one story I loved to death, was Peter Rabbit. I don't recall reading the original Beatrix Potter book as a child. When I started collecting her books in my twenties, the illustrations were only vaguely familiar. But when I looked at the Peter Rabbit story in my Childcraft book, the illustrations brought back a flood of memories! I thought I'd add it here, to show you how scary Old Mr. MacGregor was!
The earliest Childcraft books had twelve volumes, of which 9 were instructional and 4 were parent guides; the later editions had 15 volumes. There were also two oversized volumes: one on art and music, and the other on science and industry.
The oversized Art and Music, and Science and Industry books |
An illustration from the Art and Music volume |
Here are some further photos of these wonderful books!
This is one of those illustrations that brings back so many memories! I loved these illustrations! |
This is the title page of my 1954 Volume 5, Life in Many Lands. It's the one I remember best. |
These are the endpapers of the same volume 5 from 1947, but it is called Our Own Country and Foreign Lands |
One of my favorite stories, Locked In, by Elizabeth Enright from Thimble Summer. |
An example of the earlier, more simple illustrations from the 1947 edition. |
I remember these books, we had some as a kid and I loved looking at them, then as we were a little order we had a more modern set but they were not as fun as the set of my mom's
We had these too, my Mom may still have them. Drooling over them! :)
I too grew up with these! I esp. loved vols 1 and 2, and used them with our daughters, hour after hour.
I'm looking to purchase two copies of vols. 1 and 2. Any ideas of where I can get them? Nothing as of now on Amazon or eBay.
My cousins had these, and I remember reading them when I was there on sleepovers. We had a different set by another publisher at home - Child Horizons, which I also spent many happy hours with. I managed to find a nice set of those on eBay last year at a very good price, too.
We had these at home too and I think my favorite was in the one above about life in many lands. My favorite story was "Darling Diliky Daliky Dinah." I would love to find these books.
We had these books at my house, too! I loved them! I remember this poem:
Once there was an elephant,
Who tried to use the telephant—
No! no! I mean an elephone
Who tried to use the telephone—
(Dear me! I am not certain quite
That even now I've got it right.)
Howe'er it was, he got his trunk
Entangled in the telephunk;
The more he tried to get it free,
The louder buzzed the telephee—
(I fear I'd better drop the song
Of elephop and telephong!)
and my second favorite poem was
"The Highwayman"
I still have a complete set of Childcraft books--#1-#15, and the supplement. I loved them as a child and love them still. The Highwayman was also a favorite of mine, along with Darling Diliky Dalikey Dinah, Nanette at the Chateau and so many others.
Just finished looking at them and had to look up some info on them when I found this site! Thank you.
Thank you for the info and pictures. I think the set I grew up with was early 1960s. I adored these books, especially the stories and poems. Now I'm on a search for a set of the right vintage.
Another here who grew up with this late 40s set. Actually so did my husband, but neither of our mothers kept the set for some reason. When we had our own children in the late 70s we had a book dealer to find a set for us. Unfortunately that lovely first volume had been changed out for an earlier one with the same orange cover, but the poems and pictures were not the same and didn't match the rest of the (correct) books. Still, we loved them all over again.
I am looking for the poem of the couple that were in love and death came to them. It was in the book 3 of poems in the orange set. My sister had the books but got rid of them. Can you help.
Hi Debbie: Unfortunately my Childcraft books are currently in storage, and so I can't help you find the poem you are looking for. Perhaps you'll find someone else who has the volume you are looking for.
I just located it
Volume 2
The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes
I have a full set of the 1947 edition. No one in my family seems to be interested in them and I can't take them with me, so they are full sale. Condition is Good to Very Good.
I had just started thinking about selling my childhood set which is in great condition. I may reconsider and keep them at least a while longer. My 95 year old mom remembers when they bought them for us but of course cannot remember what they paid. Too bad. I was so lucky to have had them. And my kids were lucky too.
I'm nearly in tears looking at the page with the short poems on. I grew up in the 60's (England) and our volumes I think were cream and red, so probably later than yours. I loved them - there were also volumes intended I think for parents on 'child development and psychology' I learned a lot from those! My younger sister defaced those with the poems and stories in, and I think my mother threw them out - such a shame. I have found a version from 1973 which was on sale for just over £5, so I snapped them up. I am hoping they have the same stories, poems and illustrations in them.
I have the 1954 edition. I was born in 1962 but my parents bought them for my older siblings. Mine are still in pretty good condition. In volume 4 "Animal Friends and Adventures", my favorite story was The Little Old Truck.
I remember the Peter Rabbit tale from a lone childcraft volume my grandmother gave me. She gave it to me in the eighties when i was a child. Even back then it was vintage. I think it belonged to her daughter who was a schoolteacher in the sixties. Anyway, the illustration pf the peter rabbit story is the same as yours. I remember also it jad the story of Dick whittington and his cat, snow white and rose red, rapunzel and gone is
gone. But mine had a gray cover and the childcraft label in silver.
And the tin soldier ...
I have a full set available of the 1942 copyright editions. My friend who collected them passed away and we want to find a good home for them. If anyone happens to be looking for them please let me know. Volumns 1-14 in great condition. And also have the 1975 Editions 1-15 and Childcraft Annual 1975-1979.
Have you sold them? I just had my first grandchild and would love to read her these stories and poems! Thanks!
Hi love reading the comments. I too am looking for a full collection if anyone wants to sell them to a good home. Look forward to hearing from you Heather
I have the full set to a good home that will appreciate them...great condition
I have a collection of childcare books for sale.....
I have a collection of childcare books for sale.....
Is it the 1961 set? Red and cream childcraft?
I just purchased the 1954 set 1-15, #9 is missing though, may part with. All in great condition, just have an old smell.
C Jones - are you still interested in selling your set?
Marilyn S I sent you a email reply, so I still have and will sell.
Hi all, I too have a 1954 Childcraft Set 1-15 (missing #1 & #11)that I'm ready to part with. They are all in beautiful condition inside and out. No torn or folded down pages, no writing in any, no smells, mold or soiled page. Spines are all intact and tight, as well as the Orange outer color is still bright. Just a very well cared for set!
i have a complete set of the 1949 edition volumes 1-14 that i may be interested in selling. this set is in very good condition and i am curious to pricing if we were to sell instead of holding on for the next generations. litlbug1@gmail.com
I just bought vol. 1 of the 1954 set of childcraft. We had a set of these in orange, and I'm enjoyoying this again today with my adult daughter who is visiting. Can anyone out there tell me which numbered vol contains the the poem about Benjamin Jones who compeated in the free for all swim meet? A crab caught his toe. ha!
One my fav also from that vol :
They strolled down the lane together
the sky was covered with stars.
They reached the gate in silence as he lifted down the bars.
She neither smiled nor thanked him
Because she knew not how.
For he was just a farmers boy
And she was a Jersey cow.
I have the entire set of 1947 but do not know what to do with them. I am moving and hate to give them away. Any suggestions who would like this documentation of literature during that time and what children were reading and learning? Thank you.
Teri, I would love to purchase your 1949 set. If you are interested in selling, please let me know. keithbuck71@gmail.com
I was wondering if there was a poem or story about when great aunt Cynthia came to call or something like that thanks
I was just looking at the 15-volume, 1954 set that I have from my childhood...wow, what a flood of memories! Even the smell of them brings back memories.
I have 2 of the childcraft books and would like someone to give me an opinion on how much they are worth thank you
I loved child craft. I don't know year Or volume. But there is a volume,which contains a story: The potatoe Dance. I would be interested in purchasing that volume. If you have it.
I have a set of 14 copyright 1939. Is This the first issued?
I have 1974 child craft set of 1 to 15 and 1975 child craft annual. They are all in great condition. If anyone is interested in purchasing please email carter__28@hotmail.Com in the email adress there are two underscores. Thanks!
Yes I have the original published in 1947 #1 #3 #4 #5 #6 #8 they are awesome to read
I read them to my grand children
I have the 1949 #1-14 set in great condition for sale. If anyone is still looking out there.
Anyone out there have some 1942 books they would sell? #1 and #2 in particular. The ones with poems and nursey rhymes. Thank you!!!
Looking for the edition in which there is a story of a little boy who gets new boots. He is so fond of them he wears them out of the store looking down, gets lost, and a policeman finds him.
I have the whole set first edition collection of 14 volumes for sale
He much?
Does any volume contain the story "Martha Ann and the Indians"?
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