Sunday, May 6, 2012

THE WEEKEND COLLECTOR: Brian's Pixies & Imps

Brian Kemper collects Pixies and Imps! I'm not sure what the technical difference is between an pixie and an imp, but I do believe it comes down to attitude. Those imps just have that look in their eye!

These cute little figurines come from Japan, and they were produced in vast numbers and sold in the US in the 50s and 60s. I remember them well, and see them from time to time on antique store shelves. But I've never seen so many as Brian has! Red ones! Yellow ones! Black ones! Polka dot ones! Imps who play musical instruments, drive cars, read books! They are adorable, and they are everywhere!

Brian features his vast Pixie and Imp collection in his Flickr gallery. He tells me that he is writing a book about these adorable collectibles, so when you see that book hit the shelves, remember, you read about it first, here! Brian is always looking for ones he doesn't own, if you can help him, you can reach him through his Flickr page.

Doesn't this collection make you want to keep your eye out for these li'l mischief makers? I think they would make a great addition to any collection!

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