Sunday, May 13, 2012


Wow, did I ever find a good one for you! This fabulous blog features vintage clotheshorse Solanah, who has been wearing, modeling, creating, repairing, selling, collecting and living the vintage clothing life for years. She may be young, but she knows a thing or two about mostly early-to-mid-20th century fashion. She has the perfect face for red lipstick, the perfect hair for 1940s styles, and an amazing sense of fashion.

She and her husband live in Washington, where there are plenty of resources for her vintage 'vixation'. (Wow, I coined a new word! Maybe she'll use it!) So, without further introduction, just enjoy the yumminess that is the Vintage Vixen:

Solanah is all about the hats!
Just an everyday excursion to town.

At a Titanic centennial celebration

It's all in the details.

The outfit is spectacular, but look at that vintage luggage!

Solanah and her husband went to the opening of the Avengers dressed in...

Ahh, bakelite! Don't you love the way she accessorizes?

For Reichenbach Day at Multnomah Falls 

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