Wednesday, June 13, 2012

COLLECTION #251: Over the Door Shelf

Today's unique 'orphan' item, is something that truly is one-of-a-kind. I am sharing a beautiful craftsman style over-the-door shelf.  It's unique because I designed it myself, and had it built by master carpenter Steve Patterson a number of years ago.

The quote is a famous one in Mormon folklore.  Back in the late 1800s, beloved prophet David O. McKay was a young missionary, serving in Scotland. He spotted the words "What e'er thou art, act well thy part' engraved on a building. This became his personal 'mission statement', and he used it as a guide for his life, and as an aid to help others who were called to represent the church, or even just themselves, to always remember who they were, and what they represented. I thought this would be a nice motto for our own family, to help remind us to always be honorable and responsible.

It hangs over the door, as the thing we see when we leave our home. I have a few interesting things displayed on it... some antique books, a vintage pot, and a (fake) plant. Isn't it lovely?

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