Sunday, June 10, 2012

THE WEEKEND COLLECTOR: The Collect Collective

All photos on this post are from the various collections Lea has featured on her blog. 
I was surprised to receive an email this past week, from Lea, who is the blogmaster of a collector blog, titled appropriately The Collect Collective! The Collect Collective is a wonderful compilation of different types of things people collect, fun finds, interviews with collectors, and other features and links to and about collecting. Posting my collections has led to all kinds of interesting encounters with people, wonderful comments and followers, and unexpected finds and opportunities. And this was one of those fun encounters!  So, the other day, I was the subject of Lea's I Collect feature.

I thought turnabout would be fair play, so I hope you stop by her wonderful blog and see some of the fun items she shares with us, mostly things she finds on etsy or just around the web, or around the neighborhood.  (And you can read her interview with me here)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice interview! Was sorry to read your blog will soon be coming to an end-- like all good things, I guess, right? By the way, I deleted my first comment due to a typo. Oops!
