Thursday, October 27, 2011

COLLECTION #85: Treasures of the King Tut Exhibit

In the Winter of 1978, my friend Sophie and I attended the King Tut exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. We stood in line for hours waiting to get in, but it was so worth it! The artifacts were stunning, and the history was fascinating! You can read a little more about King Tut and this exhibit here: King Tut

 One of the things that enchanted me was the beautiful gold jewelry, much of it encrusted with semi-precious stones like lapis lazuli. I loved it so much, that a few months later when Bruce and I were married, I designed my wedding ring with lapis as the main stone. (You can read about THAT here!)

Although I didn't have enough money to buy all of the gorgeous books and reproductions that I would have liked, I did pick up a few treasures that make up my collection today: a book entitled Tutankhamun The Last Journey by William MacQuitty, the fabulous packet of stuff called Tutankhamun & The Discovery of the Tomb, a few souvenir postcards, and a little replica charm. This charm, which is still as bright and shiny as it was 33 years ago, represents a hieroglyph of a quail.  I still have the little shop bag and info sheet about the quail.

The packet of King Tut stuff, on the top right on the top photo, was filled with amazing treasures. Copies of the newspaper articles from the 1920s when the tomb was discovered. Drawings, letters, historical information, even a little punch out 'tomb' so a child or adult could make their own 3D model. Since that time I've occasionally seen books that have lots of little treasures packed inside, but back in 1978, this was a new concept to me.  You can see all the stuff in the photo below:

 I hope you enjoy my little collection of King Tutamabila! (Click on the pictures for a closer look!)

1 comment:

  1. I may have been waiting in the same line with you. The Tut exhibit was a game-changer for me. I went on to collect many ancient Egyptian items and my living room is crammed with things. But I love ancient Egyptian art more than ever and could never do without my collection.
