Friday, November 18, 2011

COLLECTION #101: Old Mormon Missionary Tracts

These old missionary tracts from the 1920s and 1930s were in my Grandfather's possessions when my husband and I acquired my grandparent's home when we were first married. They are fun to look at, and to read, and are important treasures to me. As a former missionary myself, it's fun to see the type of literature the missionaries used to leave behind.... other than the graphics, not much different from the brochures we used in the early '70s. At least one of these belonged to my Uncle Harold, who was a missionary in the 1930s. His name is written inside the cover of the Mr. Durant one, and I plan on presenting it to his sons who are coming to visit us on Sunday.

It's also interesting to see the names and locations of the different Missions in the United States in that era: today there are more missions in California than there were in the entire United States in 1930. We have well over 100 missions in the US today.

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