Sunday, November 20, 2011


I promised I'd come back and post more of my house & where I keep my various collections- here is part two, my upstairs. I don't keep collections everywhere, but I do have two main areas upstairs where I keep things.  The first is our upstairs landing- it's a very large open area at the top of our stairs, and I have 6 bookshelves full of books and goodies.  [Sadly, my Nikon camera died 2 days ago, so I used my iPhone camera to take these photos... they aren't the finest quality, especially indoors, but they will have to do for now!]
I'll start by sharing the photos of each of these shelves & treasures, then go to area #2.

My first shelf is full of children's books of all kinds- old and newer, classics and obscure. It's really hard for me to get rid of anything!

These are mostly classics- including Little Golden Books, Laura Ingells Wilder, etc.
Next is a vintage Ethan Allen set of shelves and desk/ cupboard units. I keep all of my LDS Church books. The left side is mostly modern ones, the right side has a lot of old, historical church books.

This desk belonged to my husband Bruce as a child. I keep it stocked with vintage school supplies and my Dick and Jane readers.
More vintage school readers & work books.
The plaque is a copy of an article about me in Playthings Magazine,  October 2004, featuring my school book collection.

This tall shelf includes school arithmetic, science, readers, music, art, geography, and social studies books.
Children's reference books, history, geography and vintage magazines.

In addition to my schoolbooks and accessories, I have school photos of Bruce's grandfather, and my Mom's high school graduation photo.

Next, we go into my studio. You can see all of the various treasures I have there.
As a toy designer, I have many toy reference books: books about dolls, games, toys, and also books about pop culture, collecting, travel, and reference- plus lots of dolls and toys on display.
I also have a variety of stuffed animals & other critters.

Here are my robots...

.... and my pedal cars and some of my kaleidoscopes.

This shelf has a couple of the toys I've designed, and a photo of me with a Cabbage Patch Kid I designed when I worked at Mattel.

An old Lifesavers display rack holds games, boxes, and a plethora of stuffed dogs and critters.


  1. WoW! Now that's a collection. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Some people would say you've got a sickness, but I'm just jealous! Great stuff!
