Monday, May 28, 2012

COLLECTION #239: World War II Memorabilia

In honor of Memorial Day in the US, today I am featuring some of the scant treasures we have in our family honoring our own military heroes.

These special items are from my husband's family, who has a proud tradition of service in the military. Bruce's Dad, Henry Aaron Eskander, joined the Army Air Force in 1943.  He trained to be a tail gunner, but unfortunately due to some health issues, became an Army mechanic. He honorably served for 2 years.

Bruce's maternal Grandfather Lawrence Gore, was a captain in the US Army. He was a career military man, and was involved in training soldiers at the Port of Embarkation: Fort Mason in San Francisco. His son, Zane Gore, enlisted toward the end of the war, and served as a bombadier in the Army Air Force in France. None of these men are alive today to fill out their military resumes for me, so I have to surmise from their postcards and letters what they did. As is the tradition of military men and women, they never talked about their heroism or military experiences. But I consider them all heroes, and although they didn't give their lives in service to their country, I honor their memories today.

Tail Gunner trainee  Henry A. Eskander

Some of Henry's souvenirs of the Hollywood Canteen

A postcard sent by Henry to his Mother Maritza Eskander in1943

The two upper cards were sent to Zane Gore by his mother in 1945, the lower postcard was sent by Zane to his little sister Betty (my future mother-in-law). She was 14 years old.

Captain Lawrence Gore and his son Lt. Zane Gore. The photo on the top right was when Captain Gore was deployed in 1942. Zane was 17, Betty was 10.  The lower photo is Zane in France, 1945.

Postcard from Zane to his sister Betty, from France, just before the Armistice.

I love this photo of Captain and Lt. Gore, both with their pipes.

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