Sunday, May 27, 2012


For all of you Beatles lovers, My Beatles is a wonderful site where the owner Jesse features his vast collections of Beatles records and collectibles. I enjoyed browsing through his memorabilia pages, finding lots of things that I once owned or coveted.

When I was a teen, I was a huge Beatles fan. The Beatles hit the US when I was 13, which was prime age for the insanity that surrounded the Fab Four. Although there have certainly been teen idols before and since, (think Frank Sinatra and Justin Bieber), nothing to my recollection could match the craziness that was Beatlemania. Not just teen magazines and concert frenzy, but mainstream media (covers of Life, Look, Time),  popular culture, and most especially the mainstream musical acceptance of the Beatles' musical brilliance. For some of us deeply saddened by the assassination of JFK, the Beatles made us happy again. Life was good! (And the Beatles were cute and charming too, unlike some of their more surly contemporaries). I'll never forget how much I loved their movie "A Hard Day's Night", and how, even after seeing it at least a half dozen times, I still laughed all the way through. I saw it recently again, after nearly 50 years, and I was surprised that I still remembered many of the lines. I had not thought of them all this time, they just rolled off my tongue!

Here are a few items from My Beatles, maybe they will make you smile too!

For your viewing pleasure, my layout about my own love of the Beatles (click on the image if you want to read what I wrote!)

1 comment:

  1. Love the fact you put yourself on the album cover! Very cool! Looks so real too!
