Thursday, June 21, 2012

COLLECTION #257: Sugar and Cream Sets

Aren't these fun? I have a variety of little sugar and cream sets, ranging from  old (my silver set that was a wedding gift to my parents 73 years ago), to a modern set from Target. Most everything is somewhere in between.  I love them all!

I'll start with the silver set- I'm sure it's silver plated, and is manufactured by the WB Manufacturing Company, probably in the 1930s. I'm so glad my Mom gave it to us, because it's something that I always remember being in our home my whole life.

The blue and white phoenix set has an unknown manufacture & date, there were many companies that made this pattern, from Europe to Japan, and I'm sure this is an inexpensive set. I have many other pieces, some of which I displayed in an earlier post.

The cute English Village set was featured recently, and was a gift from my Mom. She brought it back from England. I have no idea if it was new or vintage when she got it, but my guess is that it was new. She brought it home about 20 years ago.

I love my pale green sugar and creamer. I believe they are from Poppy Trail (because I have a marked platter that matches, but I can't be 100% sure). My guess is they are from the late 1930s or '40s.

Next is a set of 'honeybee' pottery, which was a wedding present to us,  34 years ago. When we received it, I had the feeling it was antique then, but I never thought to ask the giver. So, since there are only numbers on the bottom and no name, and I have been unsuccessful in IDing it from the internet, I'll just leave it as a mystery set. I love it!

On the top row, I have my wonderful Franciscan Desert Rose set, from the 1950s, and a modern set, pale blue and white stripes, from Target.

I wonder if any of you have some sugar and cream sets in your home? I'll tell you one thing- I've never used them for sugar or cream!

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